Alta BH
Clinical Services

At Alta Behavioral Healthcare, our mental health team includes clinical experts with a wide range of specialties.

When it comes to mental health, there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” treatment plan. That’s why Alta Behavioral Healthcare offers a full continuum of care, personally created for every child and their family.

Our mission at Alta Care Group is to support the social, emotional and behavioral well-being of children.

Our clinical services are available to children, adolescents and young adults and their families.

Intake/Diagnostic Assessment
Mental health assessments are essential to understanding a client’s unique challenges and how best to help them recover. Therapists will work with your child to gather information needed to accurately understand and provide recommendations for the most appropriate means of help. Most assessments take place in our offices, but some may take place at a child’s school or other locations. Assessments occur over the first two appointments and include the parent/guardian. It may also involve contact with others that are part of a child’s life (family members, school staff and/or pediatrician).
Alta provides individual, group and family counseling services — our therapists are skilled in child behavior management and family dynamics. In a caring and supportive environment, families are instructed in ways to help each other better their mental health through individualized therapies. Our therapist will work with your family to set goals or identify the things you would like to accomplish together, and then help you develop different strategies to reach your goals. Counseling services can be done in our offices across Mahoning and Trumbull County, in homes and/or at school.
Case Management and Therapeutic Behavioral Support Services
Our qualified mental health specialists provide education, consultation, case coordination, emotional and behavior management support. These services can be offered in conjunction with our other services, or they can be offered as a stand-alone service. These services are often offered in the community, including homes and schools.
Mental Health Day Treatment Services
Our After School and Camp Challenge (Summer) Therapeutic Group Services program provides intensive group counseling for children and adolescents age 6 up to age 18 who have severe emotional and behavioral difficulties, which could include but are not limited to:

Extreme fears or excessive worries
Mood disturbance
Aggressive behaviors
Single or complex trauma
Multiple losses
Relationship difficulties with peers and adults
Environmental stressors related to the pandemic, community violence, and other external stressors
The group process provides children and adolescents with opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings and to learn skills that will enable them to be more successful and better be able to function in different areas of their lives.

We provide psychiatric evaluations of children and teens, and medication management for a variety of problems. Our medical team of physicians and nurse practitioners can assess whether medication beyond therapy may be helpful in addressing children’s concerns, or may follow up on previously prescribed medications. Alta Behavioral Healthcare’s medical staff will write prescriptions when appropriate and follow up with children to make adjustments to medications as necessary. All children receiving medication are closely monitored and routinely meet with our nurse to assess overall health, improvements, side effects or any other concerns.

Our mission at Alta Care Group is to support the social, emotional and behavioral well-being of children.

Our clinical services are available to children, adolescents and young adults and their families.

Intake/Diagnostic Assessment

Mental health assessments are essential to understanding a client’s unique challenges and how best to help them recover. Therapists will work with your child to gather information needed to accurately understand and provide recommendations for the most appropriate means of help. Most assessments take place in our offices, but some may take place at a child’s school or other locations. Assessments occur over the first two appointments and include the parent/guardian. It may also involve contact with others that are part of a child’s life (family members, school staff and/or pediatrician).


Alta provides individual, group and family counseling services — our therapists are skilled in child behavior management and family dynamics. In a caring and supportive environment, families are instructed in ways to help each other better their mental health through individualized therapies. Our therapist will work with your family to set goals or identify the things you would like to accomplish together, and then help you develop different strategies to reach your goals. Counseling services can be done in our offices across Mahoning and Trumbull County, in homes and/or at school.

Case Management and Therapeutic Behavioral Support Services

Our qualified mental health specialists provide education, consultation, case coordination, emotional and behavior management support. These services can be offered in conjunction with our other services, or they can be offered as a stand-alone service. These services are often offered in the community, including homes and schools.

Mental Health Day Treatment Services

Our After School and Camp Challenge (Summer) Therapeutic Group Services program provides intensive group counseling for children and adolescents age 6 up to age 18 who have severe emotional and behavioral difficulties, which could include but are not limited to:

  • Extreme fears or excessive worries
  • Anger
  • Mood disturbance
  • Depression
  • Impulsivity
  • Aggressive behaviors
  • Single or complex trauma
  • Multiple losses
  • Relationship difficulties with peers and adults
    Environmental stressors related to the pandemic, community violence, and other external stressors
    The group process provides children and adolescents with opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings and to learn skills that will enable them to be more successful and better be able to function in different areas of their lives.
  • Psychiatric

    We provide psychiatric evaluations of children and teens, and medication management for a variety of problems. Our medical team of physicians and nurse practitioners can assess whether medication beyond therapy may be helpful in addressing children’s concerns, or may follow up on previously prescribed medications. Alta Behavioral Healthcare’s medical staff will write prescriptions when appropriate and follow up with children to make adjustments to medications as necessary. All children receiving medication are closely monitored and routinely meet with our nurse to assess overall health, improvements, side effects or any other concerns.
    Contact Us

    Helping children, healing familes.












    BH: 330-793-2487
    HS: 330-736-0071


    BH: 330-793-2487
    HS: 330-736-0071

    This website is supported by Grant Numbers 05CH011593 and 05CH012727 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Alta Care Group and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

    © 2024 Alta Care Group. All Rights Reserved.

    History, Trustees and Partners

    Admin, Behavioral and Head Start

    Career Opportunities and Internships

    Who We Serve
    Children, Adolescents, Teens and Families


    About Alta, Our History,
    Trustees and Partners

    Clinical Services
    Intake, Counseling, Psychiatric

    Early Childhood
    Incredible Years, Consultation

    Mobile Response Stabilization Services

    On-site School Services

    Specialized Programs
    Continuum of Services and Programs

    Substance Abuse & Prevention
    Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs


    Alta offers specialized programs and services

    Alta Head Start
    About our programs

    Early Head Start
    Birth to Age 3

    Head Start Services
    Education, Wellness, Social Services and More

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