Early Childhood
Mental Health

Early Childhood Mental Health is the social, emotional and behavioral well-being of children birth through six years and their families. This includes the capacity to regulate emotions, form close and secure relationships and explore their environment. Alta Behavioral Healthcare’s trained staff is able to provide families the foundation to build a strong mental health future on.

Incredible Years®
Classroom DINA Program

The Dinosaur Social Skills and Problem Solving Curriculum® is a child training curriculum that strengthens children’s social, emotional and academic competencies such as understanding and communicating feelings, using effective problem-solving strategies, managing anger, practicing friendship and conversational skills, as well as appropriate classroom behaviors.

Incredible Years®
Parent Preschool Program

The Preschool Basic Parenting Program strengthens parent-child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline and fostering parents’ ability to promote children’s social, emotional and language development. Parents learn to build school readiness skills and are encouraged to partner with teachers and daycare professionals to promote children’s emotional regulation and social skills.
In the parenting groups, trained Incredible Years® facilitators use video clips of real-life situations to support the training and foster parenting group discussions, problem solving and practice exercises.

Early Childhood
Mental Health Consultation

ECMH Consultants provide support services to children, teachers and parents in early care settings to help children succeed in learning environments. The goal of ECMHC is to promote healthy social, emotional and behavioral development in young children and support families and early child care professionals’ capacity to meet children’s social and emotional needs. This is accomplished through developmental screening and assessment, teacher classroom support, parent support and professional development.

Early Childhood
Professional Development

Our trainers provide professional development trainings, rooted in best practices to deepen teachers’ content knowledge and skills, while providing opportunities for practice, research and reflection. Training topics include Flip It®, Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) Training Modules and the New Ohio/Georgetown Model. Other topics cover challenging behaviors, communicating with children and families, creating teamwork, managing toxic stress for caregivers, poverty and understanding cultural differences.

Contact Us

Helping children, healing familes.












BH: 330-793-2487
HS: 330-736-0071


BH: 330-793-2487
HS: 330-736-0071

This website is supported by Grant Numbers 05CH011593 and 05CH012727 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Alta Care Group and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

© 2024 Alta Care Group. All Rights Reserved.

History, Trustees and Partners

Admin, Behavioral and Head Start

Career Opportunities and Internships

Who We Serve
Children, Adolescents, Teens and Families


About Alta, Our History,
Trustees and Partners

Clinical Services
Intake, Counseling, Psychiatric

Early Childhood
Incredible Years, Consultation

Mobile Response Stabilization Services

On-site School Services

Specialized Programs
Continuum of Services and Programs

Substance Abuse & Prevention
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs


Alta offers specialized programs and services

Alta Head Start
About our programs

Early Head Start
Birth to Age 3

Head Start Services
Education, Wellness, Social Services and More

Head Start

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