Specialized Programs

Alta knows that healthy children come from healthy communities. Alta Behavioral Healthcare offers specialized programs beyond just our mental health services. Overall wellness is as much about physical health as it is about mental health.

Transition to Independence Program (TIP)

Transition to Independence services are provided to young people aged 16-21 to assist them in a successful transition to adulthood. Services focus on education, employment and life skills such as budgeting, meal planning/preparation, positive peer relationship building and communication enhancement.

Trauma Recovery Services

Certified Trauma professionals work with children and families who have had significant adversity and/or loss in their lives, helping people overcome negative experiences through individual and group services. Trauma professionals have extensive training to enhance the natural counseling process and promote healing from traumatic experiences.

Peer Support Services

Peer Support Services offer a way to both give and receive support and education from individuals with shared life experiences. Those who are in recovery from mental illness and/or addiction use their own lived experience as a tool to assist others by sharing their personal journeys. This service is available to those experiencing mental health or addiction issues, as well as to support the parents of adolescents who are going through treatment.

Respite Services
Respite services help parents and caregivers time to re-charge from the daily care of their loved ones. These services are funded by community resources such as Family and Children’s First Councils and local Developmental Disability Boards to name a few.
Respite Events are free and open to any family in Mahoning or Trumbull County with children who have a Mental Health diagnosis. These four-hour events give parents a welcome break from caring for the child’s needs — while at the same time involving children in a structured activity in which he/she can learn positive social engagement and have fun with other kids in an enjoyable way. Several Respite Events are scheduled each year at Alta Camp Challenge.
Camp Challenge

For over 30 years, Alta has provided summer programming to youth with social and emotional needs at The Camp Challenge Intensive Experiential Group Counseling Program. This five week therapeutic program uses behavior modification and cognitive behavioral therapy in group settings to improve behaviors. The program is designed for youth ages six to 12 who require a more intensive level of behavioral health services, meet medically necessitated standards, and have functioning problems that are moderate to severe. Youth are referred by their primary therapist or Alta Community Support Worker.

FIRST Program

FIRST is a specialized program to help adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15-35 who have had their first episode of psychosis. The program aims to have these individuals enter treatment quickly, improve recovery outcomes, provide support and education for the individual and family and to reduce chances of relapse including hospitalizations. Qualifying participants must agree to participate in at least two of the services offered which include: Psychiatric Care, Individual Resiliency Training, Psycho-family Education and Support, Case Management and Supportive Employment. All referrals should be made to FIRST team leader, Vince Paolucci at Alta or by calling the FIRST line 234-201-2512.

Baby Bump Program

Baby Bump provides no-cost services to pregnant women to assist them in establishing healthy lifestyles for healthy pregnancies and, in turn, healthy babies. Through our community partnerships, we provide coordinated assistance with and education for transportation, childcare, food, tobacco cessation, safe sleep habits, car seat safety, behavioral healthcare, mobile cribs, breastfeeding awareness and more. For eligibility and enrollment, contact our Community Health Workers at 330-793-2487.

Specialized Programs at the Campus of Care

In addition to our robust specialized programs and services, a number of select services are available at Alta’s Center for Mental Health and Wellness at the Campus of Care.

Therapeutic Garden Program

A unique hands-on experience to assist participants in collaboration, team work, learning and utilizing environmental coping skills. Children and adolescents explore the natural world in a safe and nurturing setting that guides them on their journey toward better choices, getting along with others, managing their individual mental health symptoms and giving back to the community and their families.

Art Therapy Program

A format for self-discovery and self-expression where children engage in the creative process to improve cognitive and sensorimotor functions, self-esteem, social skills, and emotional resilience. Children learn to use their own personal expressive symbolism, develop a sense of mastery and find empowerment.

Adventure Therapy Program

An evidence-based program that utilizes experiential therapeutic activities to get children and adolescents active and moving, while also building and improving upon emotion regulation, problem solving and team building.

Parent Support Programs

Parent support and education programs assist parents with the occasional challenges that parents sometimes face. Evidence-based programs such as The Incredible Years™, The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program and general support groups are offered to help parents navigate the complexities of modern day parenting.

Contact Us

Helping children, healing familes.












BH: 330-793-2487
HS: 330-736-0071


BH: 330-793-2487
HS: 330-736-0071

This website is supported by Grant Numbers 05CH011593 and 05CH012727 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Alta Care Group and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

© 2024 Alta Care Group. All Rights Reserved.

History, Trustees and Partners

Admin, Behavioral and Head Start

Career Opportunities and Internships

Who We Serve
Children, Adolescents, Teens and Families


About Alta, Our History,
Trustees and Partners

Clinical Services
Intake, Counseling, Psychiatric

Early Childhood
Incredible Years, Consultation

Mobile Response Stabilization Services

On-site School Services

Specialized Programs
Continuum of Services and Programs

Substance Abuse & Prevention
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs


Alta offers specialized programs and services

Alta Head Start
About our programs

Early Head Start
Birth to Age 3

Head Start Services
Education, Wellness, Social Services and More

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